Singing Guide: Another World

Singing Guide: Another World

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Another World, also known as Avicii, was a Swedish DJ and producer who was known for his electronic dance music and pop style songs. Fans around the world loved his unique style, and while he has no specific vocal technique, his music is a great way to practice and improve singing skills.

To learn how to sing like Avicii, you can start by listening to his music and analyzing the melody and lyrics. He was known for his use of catchy melodies and lyrics that were easy to sing along to. One of his popular songs, "Wake Me Up", is a great example.

As you practice singing his songs, keep in mind some tips from Singing Carrots that can help improve your singing overall. Start with a vocal range test to determine your range, which is important for choosing songs to sing. You can then work on breath support, which is crucial for good singing. Singing Carrots offers a great blog article about breathing basics that can help you with this.

Another important skill to learn when singing like Avicii is open mouth and throat technique. Singing Carrots offers a blog article about this, too. Additionally, try using the Vocal Pitch Monitor to see your sung notes on a virtual piano and to help with pitch accuracy.

For more advanced singing techniques, check out Singing Carrots' article on contemporary vocal techniques. The article covers different ways of singing, such as Heavy Modal, Twang, and Belting. You can also improve your vibrato through exercises like Beggars Bounce.

Whether you're hoping to perform on stage or just sing for fun, Singing Carrots' singing course offers a comprehensive, 21-lesson program covering singing theory and practical tips to help you find your own authentic voice.

To get started learning how to sing like Avicii, try singing along to some of his popular songs like "Wake Me Up", "Hey Brother", and "Levels". Use Singing Carrots' resources to help you improve your vocal skills, and keep practicing to see improvement over time!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.